TOMBLIN HARDWARE LLC – General Terms and Conditions

Please read our Pottedline General Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) carefully. These Terms and Conditions govern your access, use and orders placed at, its mobile sites and applications (collectively, the “Site”) as well as the provision and sale of products and services by TOMBLIN HARDWARE LLC and/or its affiliates (including but not limited to TOMBLIN HARDWARE LLC) and/or its fulfillment providers, as the context may require (“Pottedline”, “we”, “us” or “our”). By placing an order with TOMBLIN HARDWARE LLC, you agree to be unconditionally bound by these Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of ordering.

Our Terms and Conditions shall also govern the use of and apply to each and every offer and agreement entered into between Pottedline and a customer through any of its separate sites that are accessible through the tabs in the Site-header, insofar we have not explicitly deviated from the present Terms and Conditions.

Additionally, we maintain other terms and policies that supplement these Terms and Conditions as set out below, including our Privacy Policy, which describes how we collect, use and process your personal information, and our Privacy Policy, which provides more information about our prices and whether we will collect US sales taxes.

  1. Applicability

1.1. By accessing or using this Site and its related software tools, applications or any other Pottedline service, you agree to be bound by the terms of our Privacy and Cookie Policy, the Product-Specific Terms and the following General Terms and Conditions (collectively, the “Pottedline Terms”) and to any additional terms (such as but not limited to those listed above), policies, guidelines, restrictions or rules that may be posted in connection with specific sections or services of this Site (collectively, the “Additional Terms”). All such Additional Terms are hereby incorporated by reference into the agreement entered into by Pottedline and you, the customer, at the time you access or use the corresponding section, service or feature, or have otherwise agreed to their applicability. These Pottedline Terms and any Additional Terms that you have agreed to, make up the entire agreement between us in relation to its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings.

1.2. If you use this Site on behalf of any business, organization or other entity of any kind, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept these Pottedline Terms on its behalf and to bind such business, organization or entity to these Pottedline Terms.

1.3. Every offer of a Pottedline product and/or service on our Site as well as every transaction, order and agreement that is concluded through our Site is governed by our Pottedline Terms.

1.4. The applicability of any terms and conditions of the customer or any third party on behalf of the customer is expressly dismissed and shall not apply, even if Pottedline has not specifically rejected them.

1.5. These Pottedline Terms and Additional Terms are not applicable to orders of a product or a service which are not from Pottedline directly but from a third party. This can be any of Pottedline´s affiliates in the Cimpress plc group of companies, a reseller or a service provider we have partnered with. In such cases, the terms you have separately agreed upon with this third party, will apply.

1.6. Pottedline reserves the right to make changes to this Site and to these Pottedline Terms at any time without prior notice. You should review these Pottedline Terms each time you access this Site.

  1. Your Account

2.1. Before you can place an order online or use certain services or features offered on this Site, you will need a Vista account. We provide a single sign-on functionality, which allows us to offer features such as the ability to use your log-in credentials across our signature services, including VistaCreate and 99design by Vista. Please read the “Your Account” section under our Terms of Service.

2.2. The customer will at all times be responsible for each and every use of its Vista account. You agree to protect your log-in credentials such as your password and control any access to your Vista account, especially when you have granted another person in your business or household access rights to your account or otherwise permit them to use your account with the purpose to place an order on your behalf. You agree that you will be responsible for all orders placed or other actions that are taken through your Vista account.

  1. Terms of Sale

All our offers and promotions are without any obligation and subject to availability and confirmation of the order. Pottedline reserves the right to reject any order without the obligation to assign any reason. An agreement between you and Pottedline is subject to our acceptance of the order and will be formed when you receive the order confirmation by email.

  1. 4. Use of our Site and its Content

4.1. You are granted permission to access and use this Site and its Content for the sole purpose of preparing, evaluating and ordering products or services solely through Pottedline (referred to herein as “Products”), unless such use involving a third party is expressly permitted by applicable law or provided for in these Pottedline Terms. No other download, retention, use, publication or distribution of any portion of the Content is authorized or permitted. Obtaining Products from Pottedline does not entitle you to use any portion of our Content apart from the finished Products as they are supplied to you by Pottedline.

4.2. You agree to use this Site in a responsible manner that is in full compliance with these Pottedline Terms and with your local laws and regulations, including export and import regulations.

4.3. The customer represents and warrants that at all times it has complied and shall comply with all applicable restrictions arising out of any and all relevant sanctions and export and trade controls legislation, regulations or orders of the United Nations, the European Union and its Member States, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and any other country whose laws, regulations or orders apply to the parties involved or activities covered or contemplated by these Pottedline Terms (collectively, the “Trade Laws”) and that it shall also refrain from performing any activity or omitting to perform an activity that will expose Cimpress plc or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates and other companies controlled by the same person or entity as Cimpress plc (including, without limitation, the legal entity or entities specifically identified in these Pottedline Terms) to breaching Trade Laws or any enforcement action or restrictive measures under the same.

4.4. The customer further represents and warrants that it is not: (a) designated or otherwise sanctioned under, nor is it ultimately owned (as to 50% or more of its shares or voting rights) or controlled by, or acting on behalf of, any party designated or otherwise sanctioned under, Trade Laws; or (b) ordinarily resident, organized or located in, nor will transfer directly or indirectly any Products received under these Pottedline Terms to: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea region (including Sevastopol), the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) or the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR).

  1. 5. Delivery, Title and Risk

5.1. Pottedline will deliver the Products at the address specified in the order confirmation, provided that all applicable payments have been received in full by their appropriate due date, using Pottedline´s standard methods for packaging and in accordance with the customer´s chosen delivery option. Any lead time given is estimated.

5.2. Pottedline may, at its discretion, deliver the Products in whole or by instalments in any sequence or deliver the Products prior to the date of delivery, and in such event, the customer must not refuse to take delivery of the Products. Where the Products are delivered in instalments or part deliveries, each instalment or part delivery shall be invoiced separately if such an invoicing process is put in place and be deemed to be a separate sale agreement between Pottedline and the customer. Any delay in delivery or defect in an instalment or part delivery shall not entitle the customer to cancel any other instalment or terminate the entire sale agreement.

5.3. The customer agrees that the risk of loss and title for any printed Product pass to you upon our delivery to our carrier.

5.4. For any Product that is to be provided to the customer in an electronic format, the customer agrees that delivery of such Product shall be deemed to have occurred either (a) at the time we transmit the Product via email or other electronic communication addressed to the customer or (b) at the time we transmit a notification to the customer that the Product is available for downloading from the Site.

5.5. The customer is responsible to fully inspect all Products carefully and immediately upon arrival, and declare any and all defects, non-conformances or damages, immediately through the proof of delivery or collection acceptance documentation when the Products have been shipped under such Proof of Delivery (POD) or similar type of service. A description of the alleged defect, non-performance or damage must be given in writing at the time of delivery and signed by or on behalf of the customer. If such a proof of delivery service was not included with the chosen delivery method, the customer shall be deemed to have inspected the Products as soon as reasonably practicable after delivery. The customer must notify Pottedline, by contacting its Customer Care team either in writing (including by email) or by telephone, about any alleged defects, non-conformances or damages within 14 days after receipt of the Products. Failure of customer to timely notify Pottedline after receipt as indicated in this section voids the Product warranty and/or Satisfaction Guarantee. In the event the order was placed by a consumer, meaning a physical person who purchased the Product for use not related to a business, entrepreneurial or professional activity, the aforesaid notice period is extended to 2 months and will start on the day the alleged damages or defects are discovered or should reasonably be discovered when the order was timely inspected upon receipt.

  1. 6. Indemnification

You agree that you shall indemnify Pottedline and all parties from whom Pottedline has licensed portions of Content, and their directors, officers, and employees, against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses arising out of or related to (i) your breach of these Pottedline Terms; (ii) any suit, claim or demand arising from or relating to any text, photograph, image, graphic or other material that was not part of the standard Site Content and that you uploaded or otherwise provided to Pottedline or incorporated into a Product; (iii) any suit, claim or demand arising from or related to any third-party products and/or services we offer on our Site whether or not used for or in connection with a Product you have ordered on our Site. As to clause (ii), you agree that we have the right to control the defense of any such suit, claim or demand.

  1. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty_

7.1. The site and its contents are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. you acknowledge that the site may not operate uninterrupted or error-free. while we make reasonable efforts to accurately display product attributes, we do not warrant that product descriptions are accurate, reliable, or error-free. References and links to products or services of independent companies may appear on the Site. These references and links are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

7.2. You acknowledge that there are risks in using products or services provided by third parties (such as a Pottedline´ affiliate or one of our partners) through this Site or in connection with our Products, and that Pottedline cannot and does not guarantee any specific outcomes from such use or interactions, and you hereby assume all such risks, liabilities or harm of any kind arising in connection with or resulting from such interactions. Such risks may include, among others, misrepresentation of information about and/or by this third party, breach of warranty or contract, violation of rights, and any consequent claims.

7.3. Some jurisdictions may provide you with certain warranties or guarantees that cannot be excluded by contract (“consumer guarantees”), or only limited in certain circumstances, and nothing in these Pottedline Terms alter those consumer guarantees if it is illegal for Pottedline to do so. If those consumer guarantees apply to you, and Pottedline cannot legally exclude those consumer guarantees, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, Pottedline: (1) excludes or limits those consumer guarantees; and (2) limits its liability at the option of Pottedline to the following: (a) in the case of services, the supply of the services again or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again; (b) in the case of goods, the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; the repair of the goods; the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired.

7.4. Pottedline’s Satisfaction Guarantee is valid for 10 years following your purchase. If you request a refund, the time it takes for your refund to arrive may depend on your bank. In most cases, you should receive your refund within 30 days. Certain circumstances are beyond Pottedline’s control and may not be covered by the Satisfaction Guarantee. Please note that we cannot be responsible for: spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors made by the customer, inferior quality or low-resolution of uploaded images, design errors introduced by the customer in the Product or Design creation process, errors in user-selected options such as choice of finish, quantity or product type, and damage to the products arising after delivery to the customer. Please preview your designs carefully and correct any mistakes prior to placing your order. Pottedline does not proof documents created by its customers prior to processing.

7.5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pottedline shall have no obligations under any warranties, consumer guarantees or the aforementioned Satisfaction Guarantee, if the alleged defect, non-conformance or damage is found to have occurred as a result of misuse, use other than as set forth in the applicable user manual or instructions for use, neglect, improper installation or accident, or as a result of improper repair, alteration, modification, storage, transportation or improper handling or if the usability is impaired only slightly.

7.6. Any granted Product warranty and/or Satisfaction Guarantee hereunder, shall extend directly to customer only and not to customer´s customers, agents or representatives. Pottedline does not give any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or non-infringement of intellectual property rights.


In no event shall pottedline or its licensors, suppliers, or vendors, or any of their officers, directors, employees, or agents be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind, or for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether or not pottedline has been advised of the possibility of damages. arising out of the use or performance of this site or the products or services sold on it, or the failure to provide the products or services you ordered from pottedline, or any products or services you ordered directly from its affiliates or any other third party through the pottedline site, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from errors, omissions, viruses, delays, or interruptions in service. in no event will pottedline be liable for any damages or consequences arising out of or in connection with your improper or unauthorized use of the site or its content, products or services offered by us, including any third party products or services. if you reside in a country or state that does not allow any of the foregoing exclusions or limitations of liability or any of the warranty disclaimers in the section above, then such exclusions or limitations will not apply to you, but only to the extent that such exclusions or limitations are not allowed. in such case, such exclusion or limitation shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

  1. 9. Site Feedback

Any comments, suggestions, proposals or other feedback (collectively “Feedback Information”) provided to Pottedline in connection with the operation of this Site including its content or any of our offered and/or supplied Products, shall be provided by the submitter and received by Pottedline on a non-confidential basis. All such comments, suggestions, and other information shall become the exclusive property of Pottedline. By submitting any such information to Pottedline, you agree that you are transferring and assigning, at no charge, all of your right, title and interest in the information, including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights. You agree that Pottedline shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis.

  1. 10. Privacy and our Use of Cookies

Pottedline has set out in its Privacy Policy how we collect, use, disclose, store and protect the information that you submit to us during the use of our Site. This Privacy Policy applies to every Site visit, every use of our services, and every transaction and agreement that is concluded through our Site.

  1. 11. Miscellaneous

You must be at least 18 years old or otherwise have parent or guardian permission to use this Site. By using this Site, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old or have that permission. In the event any provision hereof is found to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to allow enforceability of the provision as so limited, or, if a deemed modification is not satisfactory in the judgment of that court, the unenforceable provision shall be deemed deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby.